Ksapa | October 2024



5 years ago, in the summer of 2019, we launched Ksapa. 5 years that have gone by in the blink of an eye ... but so packed that it feels like 15!

Not just for the Ksapa team, but for the field of sustainability, which has become much more democratic. 5 years ago, for example, the European Sustainable Finance Plan - which gave rise to the CSRD, the green taxonomy and the SFDR - was still at the intention stage. The central banks had just set up the NGFS. The integration of ESG risks into investment decisions was still far from being the norm. Even if the European Green Deal is now in the spotlight, it has to be said that the development of a sustainable regulatory framework has moved into another dimension.

But despite these developments, there is no automatic link between the disclosure of ESG information or the announcement of trajectories, as at the recent Climate Week in New York, and the implementation of action plans. And yet, during this period, the evidence of climate change disruption and the widening of social inequalities, particularly in the wake of Covid-19, have left their mark on people's minds... The just transition is still a wishful aspiration that has yet to be put into practice and made credible.

For our part, during these 5 years, we have deployed our objectives as a mission-driven company to promote the just transition in 3 dimensions, striving to bring about new models with multi-dimensional socio-economic and environmental impacts:

5 years ... that's also the time left for the end of the 15 years set in 2015 for the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Agenda, when it is clear that a majority of them will not be achieved and so much remains to be done. The question of the collective targets we will need to set for the 2030 decade, and of their framework, will have to be raised soon … Even if the major geopolitical risks we are facing are likely to make their implementation particularly uncertain - and at the very least less of a priority than in a more peaceful context.

In the meantime, we have 5 years left to accelerate the social and environmental transformation of our models. All the Ksapa teams and our customers and partners are ready to devote all our efforts to this. Let's get to it!

Raphaël Hara, Managing Director


Climate Week NYC 2024
In our blog this month :  Climate Week NYC 2024 kicked off with good intention. It’s time to prioritize people in the climate transition, ensuring it is just and equitable. The Global North must fulfil its responsibility by providing overdue climate finance to protect vulnerable communities in climate hotspots. We must also be honest about the limitations of technology in addressing climate change. Additionally, difficult discussions on fossil fuels are upcoming, including resolving geopolitical issues surrounding the final reserves of oil and pushing fossil fuel companies to shift toward sustainable business models. But in New York, it’s all about developing your own business, about being in the picture. It’s all very self-serving. Climate action is now happening elsewhere, and here’s why.
CSRD – Identifying IROs in a Double Materiality Analysis
CSRD compliance introduces many challenges and opportunities for companies. In order to improve transparency, avoid greenwashing and share comparable non-financial information, companies are required to carry out an initial exercise to identify their environmental, social and governance priorities. This initial exercise is the cornerstone of the whole approach the company will subsequently adopt and publish. It is based on a double materiality analysis. In this blog article, we discuss the identification of sustainability matters and their respective impacts, risks and opportunities (IROs), as the first step of this process.
Addressing the Risk of Forced Labor in the Green and Just Transition Value Chains 
While the renewable energy sector has made significant progress in addressing environmental concerns, human rights risks including forced labor have been identified as the one of the biggest risks in green technology supply chains, including EV components and solar panels. Against this backdrop, many large companies and investors – mainly from the US, UK, and Europe – have made strong commitments to uphold human rights. However, they still struggle to implement them in practice, particularly in their sourcing and manufacturing chains. Last year, Ksapa launched the Green Transition Free from Forced Labor (GT3FL) Initiative in response to industry demand for guidance on navigating current and upcoming international regulations and to support in improving business practices around human rights and forced labor issues in global supply chains. Find out more here!
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