
Social disruptions and environmental crashes underway, combined with profound digital transformations are demanding investors and businesses to accelerate adaptation of large scale and complex business models and value chains. Transformation is needed to survive and contribute to build more sustainable and inclusive societies.

Challenge and urgency are getting more pressing every day. Luckily the global agenda is very clear today, and global priorities for investors and businesses are well defined: The Sustainable Development Goals 2030 offer a comprehensive framework for investors and companies to build more resilient and more inclusive business models and value chains.


Our mission at Ksapa is to provide scalable innovative solutions to help finance and business to accelerate their commitment and SDG 2030 impact building more resilient, inclusive yet competitive operating models through strategic advice, impact investing and advocacy


We are a social purpose corporation. Our employees, customers, partners and investors all want to be part of something greater than themselves. They all want to accelerate transformation of business and finance to build resilient inclusive operating models.

We want investors and businesses to generate value and competitiveness through strong impact on SDG priorities relevant to their portofolios and operations.

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