Our client is the lead within a project aiming at standardizing technology et implementing the necessary process to develop a circular economy around used pneumatics.

While the project will ultimately confirm the circularity of a end-of-life  product and offer a new source of raw material on the market, the implementation of such a project will require investment and/or the installation of industrial units in several countries in Europe. A project of this magnitude will be scrutinised by the various stakeholders directly and indirectly impacted by the project. The identification of these stakeholders and the definition of an engagement strategy will allow our client to benefit from a social license to operate (SLO).

the challenge

Prior to the implementation of the project, members want to have a clear vision of the non-business ecosystem in which they will operate. Ksapa has been mandated to identify for each country of the project the key stakeholders to be known and taken into account in the definition of the engagement strategy. The idea here is not to have a simple list of stakeholders, but to know for each of them their capacity to influence the project. 


In order to ensure that the relevant stakeholders are identified with regard to the project and the implementation perimeter, Ksapa proposed to establish this mapping on the basis of two distinct steps

  1. Clarification of the social, societal and environmental impacts of the implementation of these sites on the territory(ies);
  2. The identification of stakeholders.

The first step is a pre-step to defining the stakeholder engagement strategy. The aim here is to validate together the key impacts of the project that may affect the SLO, and to create internal alignment on the points of vigilance to be taken into account in the development of the industrial units.

The identification of stakeholders is facilitated by the first step. It is easier to identify the right stakeholders according to the issues at stake, in order to ensure the right level of granularity to then define an appropriate engagement strategy.


An exhaustive literature review and a series of interviews with internal and external stakeholders identified a small number of key impacts of the project, despite differences in operations and scope.

Based on these impacts, Ksapa identified more than 600 stakeholders in some 20 countries, organised by category, impact and region. This organisation allowed the client to have the right mesh to quickly activate the engagement processes and to respond appropriately to the different expectations of the different stakeholders.

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