Seeking solutions to better supply chains? Looking to leverage positive impact on social inequalities, climate action, worker resilience and biodiversity protection?

Find out about our SUTTI Initiative!

SUTTI is a large-scale impact program that leans on a hybrid capacity-building model. We indeed combine in-person and digital solutions to boost worker training and monitor our impact in the process.

We use innovative finance to scale an approach designed for maximum replicability and adaptability at an economically acceptable cost. That is how SUTTI creates value for vulnerable workers, industrials and investors.



Comprehensive program activating key levers to lift farmers out of poverty through sustainable agricultural advancement

Forced labor, safety, poverty, deforestation, climate…

Industrial buyers and companies are under major pressure to demonstrate positive impact – both locally and across the value chain. They must demonstrate concrete efforts to mitigate the socio-environmental and Human Rights risks attached to sourcing raw materials.

Though central to supply chains, vulnerable workers are too often overlooked in value redistribution. They also need to drastically reinforce their resilience.

Industrial players must therefore take immediate action to better the socio-environmental and Human Rights performance of their supply chains. Not only that, they must secure concrete results on the ground. Education is an essential lever in developing social and environmental benefits. Technical and vocational training is the most efficient way to address low-income workers and smallholders’ demand for capacity-building.

Ksapa designed SUTTI to scale innovative, performant and balanced operating models. Our goal is indeed build durable, real-world impact at scale. Here is how :

  • We deliver know-how, practice change, revenue increase, activity diversification and financial literacy to smallholders.
  • We improve and secure responsible sourcing policies.
  • We strategize performant impactful economic models.

The story of ari, an indonesian farmer

Dive in and discover how SUTTI helps Ari, an Indonesian farmer with a family-owned 2 Ha farm, to improve his living conditions and make his farm more resilient.

What is SUTTI ?

SUTTI is a unique solution brought to you by Ksapa.

With capacity-building for vulnerable workers as a backbone, our value adding services hinge on 3 differentiators:

  • Ksapa’s in-house expertise across the fields of Sustainability, Finance & Investment, Digital Solutions, Agronomy, Development Programs design and management and Impact Measurement.
  • Ksapa’s lasting partnership with global organizations (IT Solutions, Carbon economy, Financial and Extrafinancial audit, Accountancy, Legal advice, etc.) & local experts.
  • Ksapa’s federation of investors into impact investment schemes that target both financial performance and impact at scale.
Comprehensive program activating key levers to lift farmers out of poverty through sustainable agricultural advancement

How do we proceed ?

Working with local partners, we combine in-person sessions and digital solutions. That way, we deliver a tailored, affordable, performant solution that is also fully replicable and adaptable to all commodities or materials, whichever the country.

Here is how our solution operates:

  • We initially develop a 360° Farm Diagnosis based on a core material or commodity.
  • We then design and manage sustainability programs to improve yields, diversify revenues and better our socio-environmental and Human Rights footprint.
  • We lean on a unique, farmer-centric SUTTI digital suite of services. Our app works on any phone (not just smartphones!), including offline. It can onboard the illiterate with voice-over functions. With SUTTI, e-learning is made accessible and impact measurement and data collection possible.
  • We merge various levers to achieve full scalability across the multiple supply chains, from the carbon economy to blended finance and the operational sponsorship of value chain players, etc.
  • We ultimately improve procurement mapping for our industrial partners via impact measurement and a transactions database. With SUTTI, company can tap into a global and granular solution, not just to screen or pinpoint ESG risks, but to effectively mitigate them. Durably. Effectively and on the ground.
Comprehensive program activating key levers to lift farmers out of poverty through sustainable agricultural advancement

SUTTI has been supported by BPI through a French Tech grant.
The ChangeNOW Global Innovation Forum selected SUTTI among its 2021 Seeds of Change laureates!

Official Selection Solutions 2021 – ChangeNOW