Most of the world’s largest companies have issued Net-Zero pledges. Meanwhile, numerous asset owners and managers are committing to deliver carbon-neutral porfolios by 2050 or even 2030. Investments in low-carbon infrastructure and innovation solutions are also directed en masse towards the energy transition.

This is precisely where Ksapa comes in. Based on our expertise of corporate climate policy and action plans, our teams have direct experience of recurring energy transition bottlenecks. We indeed mean to help businesses and investors bridge the gap in time, resources and expertise. Discover V.CHET – Value Chain Energy Transition – our innovative scheme, through which Ksapa packages technical expertise and financing solutions to support corporate energy transitions.


The energy transition is a key lever of competitiveness and business resilience. The challenge for a large industrial group is to engage its entire value chain in its energy transition: its sites, joint-ventures and subsidiaries as well as its ecosystem of priority suppliers.

Operationally, the main chokeholds to the commitment and implementation of energy transition projects are limited investment capacities, as well as a lack of expertise and time. 

Evaluate and enhance your organization's net zero approach with four essential questions that challenge common assumptions and drive results

V.CHET: a 3-in-1 energy transition scheme 

Building-up on the dynamics of green finance, we developed a mechanism that meets the needs of industrial companies in terms of skills while designing innovative financing solutions tailored to the company and able to bring together financial partners and investors.

Designed as part of a long-term and integrative logic, V.CHET has 3 components:

  1. Definition of a value chain-wide energy transition strategy: analysis and recommendations per key topics, overarching vision and comprehensive monitoring

  2. Development of a financing plan to match recommended strategies.

  3. Operational implementation of selected solutions (energy efficiency, renewable energy, etc.) thanks to the mobilization of a technical partner ecosystem.

Structuring an energy transition strategy

Here we propose a systemic yet adaptable approach in 3 phases – analysis, advisory, financing solutions – helping an industrial company address the issue of energy transition in a comprehensive manner, by involving the priority links of its value chain.

To do this, we rely on our dual DNA of Sustainability and Finance as well as a network of first-rate partners working across energy efficiency, eco-design, renewable energy developers, legal advisory, auditing and regulation, banking, investment, etc.

V.CHET brings together the technical, financial and legal expertise to identify solutions and structure financing across the value chain. It also brings together third-party financiers and investors.

Evaluate and enhance your organization's net zero approach with four essential questions that challenge common assumptions and drive results

Above all, a tailor-made scheme

As the realities of each company are different, the V.CHET device is based on the principle of modularity, both in terms of the energy transition solutions to be implemented and the financing solutions.

Evaluate and enhance your organization's net zero approach with four essential questions that challenge common assumptions and drive results

Furthermore, certain innovative financing solutions, such as supply chain finance (SCF), can also be used as a lever to engage the entire value chain in the energy transition program: a purchasing industrial company is thus able to incentivize its value chain to commit to the energy transition while improving its working capital management. 

The characteristics of energy transition operations vary based on the realities of companies, their ambitions and investment capacities. In order to adapt to the variable duration and size of green project investments, innovative and collaborative financing solutions have emerged. These new mechanisms allow the V.CHET system to be adapted to the company’s financing needs and to balance its limited investment capacity. 

Evaluate and enhance your organization's net zero approach with four essential questions that challenge common assumptions and drive results

Operational implementation

The strength of Ksapa’s V.CHET scheme is to mobilize an ecosystem of experts for the operational implementation of energy transition projects: energy efficiency technical experts, renewable energy project developers, a pool of banking partners, third-party investors, industrial groups and suppliers… 

The support of Ksapa’s network of technical and financial partners allows the V.CHET scheme to be replicable across the value chain and to accelerate the energy transition in a systemic way, with the participation of external financiers and investors.