SHORT-TERM positions

We do not currently have any open positions. Be sure to check-in every once in a while for any update! 

LONG-TERM positions

We do not currently have any open positions. Be sure to check-in every once in a while for any update! 

What we look for in OUR TEAM

  • Excellence: we strive for high quality of collective and individual performance in all our activities and for intellectual honesty and integrity at all times – while in the workplace and while working on behalf of the organization
  • Adaptability: ability to adapt and evolve is an essential quality to participate in the major transformations of our increasingly changing world
  • Respect: we value respect of others – of their roles and responsibilities as well as of their opinions and contributions; respect of commitments to each other and to external partners. We encourage diversity and inclusion
  • Think Big with Humility: we believe remaining humble & in learning attitude is key to strengthen the way our solutions are designed and deployed in the best Systemic, Sustainable, Scalable, and Replicable way we genuinely can
  • Passion for Social Change: we share a deep will to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate, to make the collective prevail over the individual and to act for climate emergency