Make an impact
We combine advisory solutions, innovative finance solutions and advocacy into one integrated approach accelerating SDGs. As a Purpose Driven organization, and operating with entrepreneurship spirit in mind, we take risks developing innovative products and approaches.
By combining our expertises to complement and scale up what’s already developed building on digital revolution and innovative finance, our knowledge of how to best work with diversity of people segments, and our partners’ support in our vision and mission, we provide communities, people and businesses with solutions we all need to accelerate our contribution to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
Join our network of global and local partners, or our pool of 150+ experts based across Europe, Africa, Pacific Asia, North and South America. This network of experts is specialized in activities such as: sustainability, human rights, development & labor, HSE, agroforestry, digital technologies, legal, accounting & audit, impact measurement, training. Working together, we ensure close contextual and operational support, and we deliver high quality results to our global clients.
Finally, Ksapa is a strategic global platform of reference advancing human rights, climate and circular economy issues across business and investment decisions. To this end, the actors involved in our initiatives are always more diverse and we are grateful to have been able to count on their participation:
Notably on the following companies and investors (non-exhaustive): Airbus, Allianz, Alstom, Amazon, Axa, BlackRock, BNP Paribas, Bolloré, Bosch, Bureau Véritas, BP, BPI France, Bridgestone, Canon, Carlsberg, Chevron, Cisco, Coca-Cola, Danone, De Beers, DHL, DSM, Engie, Eramet, Essilor, Estée Lauder, Firmenich, Foncia, Givaudan, Google, H&M, Hewlett-Packard, Johnson & Johnson, Kering, KissKissBankBank, L’Oréal, Marriott, Mars, Michelin, Microsoft, Mondelēz, Moody’s, Morgan Stanley, Nike, Nokia, Novartis, Novo-Nordisk, Pirelli, PVH, Rexel, Richemont, Roche, Sanofi, SAP, Schneider Electric, Sephora, Shell, Société Générale, Solvay, Suez, The Walt Disney Company, Total, Unilever, UPS, Vinci, Volvo, Walmart.
In particular, the following institutions, media organizations, rating agencies, NGOs and universities (non-exhaustive) : European Investment Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank, CDP, The Consumer Goods Forum, EcoVadis, ERM, ESI Business School, ESSEC Business School, Europe 1, Finance for Tomorrow, Forest Carbon, France 24, Gartner, Global Compact, Globescan, United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights, HEC Business School, Human Rights Watch, IIRC, INSEAD Business School, Agence Française de Développement, Imperial College of London, Le Figaro, McKinsey & Company, MSCI, Novethic, OECD, Oxford Policy Management, Oxford University Press, Paris Good Fashion, UNEP, UNPRI, IFC, World Society for Animal Welfare, Standard & Poor’s, Sustainalytics, The Danish Industry Forum, The Huffington Post, Vigeo-Eiris, WBCSD, The World Wildlife Fund.