Discover how Ksapa helped a leading hospitality group develop a comprehensive Duty of Vigilance plan, focusing on human rights, safety, and environmental protection across their global supply chain. Includes practical implementation steps and measurable results

The Challenge

A global hospitality leader partnered with Ksapa to develop and implement a comprehensive Duty of Vigilance plan. The organization needed to build internal capabilities while ensuring compliance with legal requirements and stakeholder expectations.

“Ksapa’s structured approach helped us transform our Duty of Vigilance obligations into actionable steps that protect both our business and our stakeholders. Their methodology was particularly valuable in helping us identify and address procurement-related risks.” – Elodie Wacheux, Internal Audit and Compliance Group Director

Our Solution

Comprehensive Risk Assessment Methodology

Ksapa deployed its proprietary Duty of Vigilance methodology to:

  • Map key priorities from a rightsholder’s perspective
  • Conduct an extensive Group-wide documentary review
  • Assess and categorize risks as high, moderate, or low
  • Evaluate existing risk mitigation tools against legal requirements

Focus on Five Core Components

  1. Detailed risk mapping and prioritization
  2. Regular assessment procedures for subsidiaries and suppliers
  3. Risk mitigation and harm prevention strategies
  4. Stakeholder-inclusive alert mechanisms
  5. Implementation monitoring systems

Strategic Procurement Focus

Our team analyzed over 100 procurement categories, considering:

  • Supply chain impacts on human rights and fundamental freedoms
  • Health and safety implications for workers and communities
  • Environmental protection measures
  • Country-specific regulatory requirements
  • Reputational risk factors

Results and Impact

Immediate Outcomes

  • Developed color-coded procurement risk categories
  • Created structured action plans across four key levers:
    • Operational tools
    • Governance and management
    • Supplier dialogue
    • Reporting systems
  • Implemented innovative supplier support mechanisms

Ongoing Implementation

  • Conducting 30+ stakeholder interviews across brands and regions
  • Developing RACI framework for clear responsibility allocation
  • Creating stakeholder engagement strategies
  • Establishing performance indicators for impact monitoring

Key Takeaways

  • Successful integration of rightsholder perspectives in risk assessment
  • Comprehensive procurement risk management beyond Tier 1 suppliers
  • Balanced approach combining obligation of means and results
  • Stakeholder-inclusive implementation strategy

Ready to Transform Your Duty of Vigilance Approach?

Is your organization prepared to meet evolving Duty of Vigilance requirements? Schedule a consultation with our experts to discuss how Ksapa can help you:

  • Assess your current risk landscape
  • Develop a tailored implementation strategy
  • Build internal capabilities
  • Create sustainable value for all stakeholders

Contact us today for a confidential discussion about your Duty of Vigilance needs:

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Farid Baddache
CEO & Cofounder