Ksapa develops, assists, and manages impact investment funds aimed at sourcing or investing in opportunities to generate both return on investment and impact on priority SDG. Our teams base their assessments on robust financials and impact measurement. 

Rather than acting as a venture capital fund, investing in start-ups or taking participation in companies, Ksapa has opted to structure, organize and coordinate impact investing funds to fuel its own sustainability-themed investing programs. These programs and investments are designed to have real-world impact on operations and people, with core issues ranging  from education, to vocational training, health, decent work, gender equality, agriculture, energy, climate action and the circular economy.

Ksapa is notably developing the Scale Up Training, Traceability and Impact initiative. Also known as SUTTI, the program aims to design and disseminate large-scale technical and vocational training specific to smallholding farmers working in fragmented agricultural commodity supply chains in South-East Asia and Africa. Find out more here!

As a purpose-driven company, Ksapa develops innovative business models that combine profitability with social and environmental progress to drive large-scale sustainable development