Learn how to authentically align your business with SDGs through five essential questions that expose and prevent greenwashing practices

Tags: company / sdg washing / stakeholder

The Low-Down of SDG Washing

The 2015 Sustainable Development Goals set a Global Agenda for 2030, expecting companies to help shape a more just and sustainable society around 17 priority themes. Many companies have begun to use these SDGs to show how their products and services and corporate social responsibility strategy can contribute to these SDGs. Nevertheless, the SDGs remain a vast macro-societal list. It is easy, and tempting, for many companies to commit themselves at little cost to most SDGs because after all, obviously, companies have no a priori interest in displaying anything other than their willingness to create a more just and sustainable world. Without figures or tangible facts, this is what is called SDG-Washing: to develop activities only at the margins to adorn oneself with major principles.  

Key Takeaways

To avoid doing SDG Washing, here are 5 useful questions that any company (and any stakeholder) can ask themselves. 

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