Improving Climate Related Scope 3 Emissions Across Operations and Value Chain In the evolving landscape of sustainability regulation, the imperative for companies to publicly disclose their carbon footprint has become nearly compulsory. While historical emphasis has been placed on managing direct emissions (Scope 1) and those stemming from purchased energy (Scope 2), the nuanced significance […]

Improving Climate Related Scope 3 Emissions Across Operations and Value Chain

In the evolving landscape of sustainability regulation, the imperative for companies to publicly disclose their carbon footprint has become nearly compulsory. While historical emphasis has been placed on managing direct emissions (Scope 1) and those stemming from purchased energy (Scope 2), the nuanced significance of Scope 3 emissions often eludes comprehensive consideration. These emissions, extending throughout the entirety of the value chain, are frequently underestimated despite their substantial contribution to a company’s overall carbon footprint. As stakeholders increasingly advocate for heightened transparency and accountability, addressing Scope 3 emissions has emerged as an imperative in the companies’ commitment to sustainable practices. This briefing paper tries to elucidate the importance of reducing Scope 3 emissions and explores viable pathways toward achieving this crucial objective.

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