Our client, important actor in construction and civil engineering, has been selected for the construction of an asset worth €388 million. The construction will last 48 months, with at its activity peak employing 1,000 people – recruited and trained locally.

This project is financed by international investors expecting a diligent respect of international standards, amongst which the IFC’s performance standards. To that effect and to minimise risks, our client plans wished to prepare a contingency plan addressing project-induced in-migration in view of the expected population flux.

the challenge

This construction site is emblematic. It will supply energy to a vast and complex territory across multiple countries. As a result, territorial expectations are high. Complying with international standards is a key criterion to access international fundings required to finance the project. 

Given the territorial complexity and the multi-state nature of the project, the construction site will necessarily lead to non-negligible population displacements (training and employment opportunities). 

It is in this context that Ksapa has been mandated to work on the project induced in-migration contingency plan. The migration contingency plan must respect the format detailed in international standards and required by international banks.  


In order to propose a migration contingency plan that takes into account the territorial specificities, Ksapa used its internal tools to: 

  • Develop a stakeholder mapping, identifying several hundred stakeholders (local authorities, economic actors, communities and villages, local and international NGOs, partners…) directly and indirectly impacted by the construction project
  • Identify the key risks linked to the project around social, societal, environmental, safety, health and other issues using in-house tools screening 100+ potential risks

These elements allowed the client to better understand the project and to develop an adapted risk minimisation strategy. 


Ksapa presented the migration contingency plan to its client. The plan included an understanding of the risks in order of criticality and presented an adapted plan for each risk (time, area, stakeholders involved). 

This document was taken up by our client, who integrated it into the call by international banks. The results of this plan also enabled our client to think about and organise the remediation of some of these risks in advance, through dedicated projects and discussions. 

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