In this briefing paper, we outline a straightforward framework inspired by our expertise of driving such efforts across supply chains. We know that, varied approaches and tools have not substantially evolved for the last decade. Worse, they basically have proven to lack traction from broad enough supplier base demonstrate tangible impact against the global climate agenda

Tags: climate change / climate strategy / suppliers

The Low-Down on Onboarding The Supplier Base in a 1.5°C Climate Strategy

While taking bold climate action could not be more urgent, the new frontier remains in the onboarding of suppliers to effectively operationalize 1.5°C climate strategies. Conventional approaches all too often lack traction from a broad enough supplier base to demonstrate tangible impact against the global climate agenda. Reducing GHG emission by business action is part of the solution. At the same time, climate progress is a good incentive for business. Virtuous circle. Now, how to onboard the supplier base in 1.5°C climate strategy? If businesses are providing the effort, but supplier don’t, concrete advancement could not be made

Key Takeways

In this briefing paper, we outline a straightforward framework inspired by our expertise of driving such efforts across supply chains. We know that, varied approaches and tools have not substantially evolved for the last decade. Worse, they basically have proven to lack traction from broad enough supplier base demonstrate tangible impact against the global climate agenda. As a result, Ksapa includes, in this paper, complementary directions for organizations to design and implement a robust climate program capable of onboarding their entire supply chain. 

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