ICTforAg : Solutions digitales et carbone pour l'agriculture du Sud

WEBINAIRE | ICTforAg 2022 – changer la donne pour les agriculteurs grâce aux leviers du numérique et de la finance carbone (en anglais)


mars 9


10:00 - 11:00

Event Category:

Développement Durable, Finance Durable et ESG, Paysans du Sud, Résilience

Carbon credits and carbon finance in a broader sense has gained traction among funders and investors globally as a funding mechanism. While this funding mechanism presents a great opportunity to drive the climate transition, carbon finance hardly reaches the first-mile of highly fragmented commodity supply chains, leaving smallholder farmers out of the equation.  

As part of ICTforAg2022, Ksapa has co-hosted a session with GIZ on how digital solutions can help make carbon finance more inclusive by engaging smallholders, and move towards regenerative agriculture. 

During this session, Ksapa & GIZ has been in discussion with: 

  • Dr.Lakshman Rodrigo, Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka  
  • Johannes Mössinger, Unique Landuse
  • Director Mio Oka, Asian Development Bank 
  • Margreet Muizebelt, Rabobank

Sponsored by Feed the Future and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, and implemented by DAI and Intellecap, ICTforAg2022 offers an interactive virtual experience focused on technical dialogue and fostering collaboration across the digital agriculture community and the sectors in which we work.


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