In this briefing paper, Ksapa outlines a range of important business risks associated with human rights to assess during the investment process. In many cases, these risks are closely associated with one another.

Tags: human rights / investment / risk

The Low-Down of Human Risks in Investment Decisions

Strategic, operational, reputational, legal and financial risks are all part of the human right risks map. As such, they encompass the location of a business, the client in question from the perspective of the investor or financial institution at play (e.g.: client being an issuer and beneficiary of an investment), and the industry at stake. For most financial institutions, the highest exposure to human rights risk comes via their investments or their financing operations. Conducting due diligence on transactions and customers’ environmental and social risks, including human rights, is the optimal way to mitigate this exposure and drive positive impact. 

Key Takeaways

In this briefing paper, Ksapa outlines a range of important business risks associated with human rights to assess during the investment process. In many cases, these risks are closely associated with one another

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