Ksapa team members have developed sustainability strategies for hundreds of organizations across industries and around the world, each with their specific organizational culture. Building on our expertise, this briefing paper means to clarify the underpinning concepts, to help organizations make the most of defining and activating a relevant mission, vision, and purpose.

Tags: compliance / minerals / raw materials

The Low-Down on Compliance and Sourcing Sensitive Materials

The first of its kind, a case filed in December 2019 involved Apple, Google, Dell, Microsoft and Tesla. The claim? That these households’ names had specific knowledge that the cobalt in their products was linked to dangerous labor conditions and child exploitation.  Driven by a massive appetite for affordable handheld technology and electric vehicles for instance, the global demand for cobalt could increase more than 47 times by 2030 (against a 2018 baseline). Meanwhile, the European Commission estimates 64% of cobalt originates in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This has fueled what International Rescue Committee has referred to as the world’s deadliest conflict since World War II, with an estimated 5.4 million killed between 1998 and 2008.   

Key Takeaways

Ksapa team members have developed sustainability strategies for hundreds of organizations across industries and around the world, each with their specific organizational culture. Building on our expertise, this briefing paper means to clarify the underpinning concepts, to help organizations make the most of defining and activating a relevant mission, vision, and purpose. First, we cover the difference between vision, mission, and purpose, how they can be articulated well as how they feed off one another. Finally, we come the ultimate question: that is, whether your organization even needs all three, or if a single statement can square all 3 goals. To learn more, download our briefing paper. 

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