Companies must expand stakeholder engagement amid ESG pressures. Expert insights on 5 key action areas from Novo Nordisk & Bonsucro

WEBINAR: ESG and Stakeholder Engagement in a Contentious Digital Era

Session recorded on October 27th, 2020

Sustainability ESG

Stakeholder dialog is at the heart of Corporate Responsibility, ESG and Sustainability commitments. Many businesses still find it challenging to meaningfully engage stakeholders despite growing demands for concertation, transparency and process improvement. Then came Covid-19 and its cohort of social unrest.

To advance responsible and business conduct amid conflicting cost-cutting policies, companies must engage stakeholders better, faster and more broadly. Ksapa will share 5 priority areas for immediate action and welcome the expert perspectives of Susanne Stormer (Novo Nordisk) and Christèle Delbé (Bonsucro) on the corresponding challenges and solutions.

With the participation of the following experts

  • Susane Stormer, Novo Nordisk, Vice-President, Chief Sustainability Advisor
  • Christèle Delbé, Bonsucro, Head of Innovation and Partnerships


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