Category Archives: Duty of Vigilance

The Role of Investors in Addressing Forced Labor in the Green Transition

Ksapa held a partner session at the 2024 OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains. Summary of talks on forced labor and investors.

Understanding the EU regulation’s update on forced labor ban

Understand the implications of the new regulation on forced labour ban put in place by the European Union (EU) with expertise from Ksapa.

Does the CS3D add to companies’ administrative burden?

The administrative burden is an argument often put forward by companies and MEPs as a reason not to promote CS3D. Is this true?

How Investors Can Conduct Robust Human Right Due Diligence?

Here’s a concrete toolbok developed for investors, especially in private equity, who need to conduct human right due diligence.

What Actions Should Businesses and Organizations Take to Advance Human Rights in Their Operations in 2024

Insights and suggestions on how to ensure business adopt a robust human rights lens in understanding, addressing and mitigating social issues

Are Forced Labor Import Bans Effective in Tackling Forced Labor in the Green Transition Supply Chains?

In this article, Ksapa elaborates on the the effectiveness of import bans that relate to forced labor in green transition supply chains.