Tag Archives: ESG

ESG Reporting: Understanding the 12 ESRS Standards Shaping CSRD

The definitive version of the 12 sustainability reporting standards that shape CSRD is now official. With the end of the review period by the co-legislators, this first series of 12 sector-specific ESRS providing for proportionate but comprehensive reporting on environmental, social and governance issues has now been integrated into the European legal framework. This article explains these standards in just a few minutes.

Key Takeaways During ClimateWeek NYC 2023 – What Business Needs to Know

This past week, organized events were held across New York City for Climate Week and the United Nation’s Climate Action Summit.  These events were designed to inspire business, government, and nonprofit leaders to accelerate the transition to a nature-positive future.

Climate: All Efforts Are Needed to Retain Carbon, Especially in Agriculture

Our team at Ksapa based in NYC attended UNGA and “Climate Week” last week. We’re not on track meeting the Global Goals. But in the dangerous climate situation we find ourselves in, it’s important not to leave any option aside. There are options worth implementing to maximize carbon sequestration and protect nature. Let’s do it.

Leadership and skills to allow companies to adapt to global environmental limits

As part of our advocacy activities, we regularly speak to influential audiences who are in a position to contribute to a fairer, more sustainable economic world. Feedback on a plenary session at the annual ” Understanding and Changing the World ” seminar at Essec business school.

CSRD and data collection: 3 questions to structure ESG reporting

The implementation of the CSRD from 2024 poses a number of challenges for companies now subject to extra-financial reporting. In 3 questions, Ksapa shares its experience in organizing this essential process as efficiently as possible.

Conducting a Double Materiality Assessment – Principles to Get it Right

Learn to conduct a double materiality analysis, a key exercise for a company building a pertinent sustainability strategy and ESG reporting in compliance with regulations.

Canadian Act on Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains: What You Need to Know

The S-211 Canadian law aims to combat forced and child labor in the supply chains. Extra financial reporting on Forced and child labour prevention.