Cocoa is the main component of a vast industry with far-reaching repercussions on a global scale. While many of us love chocolate for its taste, cocoa has a less sweet side that poses serious problems. The cultivation and production processes are linked to complex challenges covering social, environmental and economic dimensions. Challenges, analysis and new solutions.
Category Archives: Responsible consumption
Coconut plantations, which often receive minimal attention compared to crops such as palm oil, represent a less profitable and less attractive option for farmers. Coconut growing is not just an industry, but also a vital part of rural economies. Overview and solutions.
Rice is more than just a staple food; it contributes to nearly one-fifth of all human consumed calories globally. The reliance on this cereal draws a clear picture of its indispensable role in ensuring food security, especially in developing countries. Today, rice consumption is increasing globally, while productivity is declining due to numerous factors.
Digitalization offers significant opportunities to improve the mitigation of environmental and human rights challenges in agricultural commodity supply chains. By leveraging digital technologies, stakeholders can enhance transparency, enable data-driven decision-making, empower smallholders, and promote sustainable practices throughout the supply chain.
In application of the CSRD directive, the European Commission adopted its ESRS standards in late July 2023. Overview and comparison with ISSB.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) can accurately map and measure the overall environmental impact of supply chains, and confirm the relevance of alternatives that accelerate the responsible decarbonization of industrial assets. In this blog, Ksapa explains how LCA can help companies compare the relative environmental gains of biomass alternatives to fossil fuels.
Learn how to comply with the German Supply Chain Act bringing additional human rights and environmental compliance in the supply chain world.
Ksapa delves into aligning private sector SDG commitments with robust impact metrics aligned with international standards.
How to mainstream sustainable consumption behavior? Key Learnings from the Sustainable Share Index outlined in this article.