Category Archives: Child Labour

The Role of Investors in Addressing Forced Labor in the Green Transition

Ksapa held a partner session at the 2024 OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains. Summary of talks on forced labor and investors.

Understanding the EU regulation’s update on forced labor ban

Understand the implications of the new regulation on forced labour ban put in place by the European Union (EU) with expertise from Ksapa.

Does the CS3D add to companies’ administrative burden?

The administrative burden is an argument often put forward by companies and MEPs as a reason not to promote CS3D. Is this true?

Sustainable Cocoa Cultivation: Securing a Fair Future for Farmers

Cocoa is the main component of a vast industry with far-reaching repercussions on a global scale. While many of us love chocolate for its taste, cocoa has a less sweet side that poses serious problems. The cultivation and production processes are linked to complex challenges covering social, environmental and economic dimensions. Challenges, analysis and new solutions.

How Investors Can Conduct Robust Human Right Due Diligence?

Here’s a concrete toolbok developed for investors, especially in private equity, who need to conduct human right due diligence.

What Actions Should Businesses and Organizations Take to Advance Human Rights in Their Operations in 2024

Insights and suggestions on how to ensure business adopt a robust human rights lens in understanding, addressing and mitigating social issues

10 Principles to Design and Deploy Successful Programs Involving Smallholders to Mitigating the Environmental and Human Rights Challenges of Agricultural Commodity Supply Chains 

Including the smallholder farmers perspective in agricultural project is challenging for a variety of reasons. Here are 10 principles ensuring success we have learned across our programs and experiences at Ksapa.

Canadian Act on Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains: What You Need to Know

The S-211 Canadian law aims to combat forced and child labor in the supply chains. Extra financial reporting on Forced and child labour prevention.

What to Expect from the Norwegian Transparency Act

The Norway’s Transparency act is pursuing three purposes. Understand its application and implications for corporations in this article.

What Does it Mean for Investors to “Do No Significant Harm” When Investing?

Ksapa is leading a working group of 12 international investment funds and investment companies to strengthen their consideration of human rights issues. An opportunity to come back and clarify the EU’s DNSH principle. Demonstrating that investments “do no significant harm” is a cornerstone of the EU’s sustainable finance framework. Learn in practice how to apply this principle in this article.