Category Archives: Impact

The New York Declaration on Animal Consciousness: a turning point in the consideration of animal welfare?

Understand how the New York Declaration on Animal Consciousness is shaping the way we think about animal welfare.

Connecting the Dots Decarbonizing Mobility Altogether

Encouraging the development of decarbonized mobility requires to connect the dots across several industries for holistic progress. Overview.

Does the CS3D add to companies’ administrative burden?

The administrative burden is an argument often put forward by companies and MEPs as a reason not to promote CS3D. Is this true?

Sustainable Cocoa Cultivation: Securing a Fair Future for Farmers

Cocoa is the main component of a vast industry with far-reaching repercussions on a global scale. While many of us love chocolate for its taste, cocoa has a less sweet side that poses serious problems. The cultivation and production processes are linked to complex challenges covering social, environmental and economic dimensions. Challenges, analysis and new solutions.

What Actions Should Businesses and Organizations Take to Advance Human Rights in Their Operations in 2024

Insights and suggestions on how to ensure business adopt a robust human rights lens in understanding, addressing and mitigating social issues

Challenges and Transformations of the Global Coconut Value Chain

Coconut plantations, which often receive minimal attention compared to crops such as palm oil, represent a less profitable and less attractive option for farmers. Coconut growing is not just an industry, but also a vital part of rural economies. Overview and solutions.

COP 28: pushing for a fair and low-carbon agriculture

In this blog, Ksapa discusses the key challenges in agriculture and learnings from the agricultural events held during COP 28

Navigating the Complexities of the Global Rice Supply Chain

Rice is more than just a staple food; it contributes to nearly one-fifth of all human consumed calories globally. The reliance on this cereal draws a clear picture of its indispensable role in ensuring food security, especially in developing countries. Today, rice consumption is increasing globally, while productivity is declining due to numerous factors.