Category Archives: Stakeholders

Connecting the Dots Decarbonizing Mobility Altogether

Encouraging the development of decarbonized mobility requires to connect the dots across several industries for holistic progress. Overview.

5 Strategies for Corporations Avoiding Risks of Complicity in Human Rights

Corporations often operate in environment with limited leverage to upload respect of human rights. This article presents the situations where actors can be held accountable for complicity and offers strategies to avoiding infringing human rights.

Leadership and skills to allow companies to adapt to global environmental limits

As part of our advocacy activities, we regularly speak to influential audiences who are in a position to contribute to a fairer, more sustainable economic world. Feedback on a plenary session at the annual ” Understanding and Changing the World ” seminar at Essec business school.

CSRD and data collection: 3 questions to structure ESG reporting

The implementation of the CSRD from 2024 poses a number of challenges for companies now subject to extra-financial reporting. In 3 questions, Ksapa shares its experience in organizing this essential process as efficiently as possible.

10 Principles to Design and Deploy Successful Programs Involving Smallholders to Mitigating the Environmental and Human Rights Challenges of Agricultural Commodity Supply Chains 

Including the smallholder farmers perspective in agricultural project is challenging for a variety of reasons. Here are 10 principles ensuring success we have learned across our programs and experiences at Ksapa.

Conducting a Double Materiality Assessment – Principles to Get it Right

Learn to conduct a double materiality analysis, a key exercise for a company building a pertinent sustainability strategy and ESG reporting in compliance with regulations.

Ensuring the Local Acceptance of Industrial Projects. Operating instructions

A range of industrial projects can contribute to local development, decarbonization and inclusive growth. Their acceptability is often no less complicated than others. Here’s an operating brief.