WEBINAR | Sustain 2023 - CSDDD : What You Need to Know Today Ksapa held by Ecovadis

WEBINAR | Sustain 2023 – CSDDD : What You Need to Know Today


March 9


10:00 - 11:30

Event Category:

Corporate Social Responsiblity (CSR), CSDDD, Duty of Vigilance, Human Rights

The CS3D paves the way for a duty of care that is set to be imposed on eligible companies after a complicated parliamentary journey. The surplus of administrative hassles and the burden of responsibility that would be imposed are arguments put forward by opponents of the CS3D. Is this true?

During a panel offered by Ecovadis at its annual international event Sustain, Ksapa has contribute with the European Parliament to a session about the role of CS3D in corporate sustainability and why your company should embark on its supply chain due diligence.

During this session, the speakers were: 

  • Farid Baddache, CEO, Ksapa  
  • Greta Koch, Policy adviser to Axel Voss MEP, European Parliament

Source: CSDDD: What You Need to Know Today | EcoVadis


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