Tag Archives: Collaborations

We’re not on track to meet Agenda 2030. What’s wrong with PPPs?

PPPs have been on the rise for decades. Problem: we’re not on track to meet Agenda 2030 nor Paris Agreement target 2030. What’s wrong?

Discover 5 essential principles to ensure human rights are respected in business digital transformation and application development.

Human Rights in Digital Apps: 5 Key Principles

Discover 5 essential principles to ensure human rights are respected in business digital transformation and application development.

Stakeholder engagement can be more complicated in practice. Here are practical recommendations to strategize and succeed.

How to Make Stakeholder Engagement Meaningful

Stakeholder engagement can be more complicated in practice. Here are practical recommendations to strategize and succeed.

Essential questions to guide organizations in creating transparent, impactful ESG sustainability reports that drive real environmental change

10 Questions to Report on Sustainability in a Credible and Meaningful Way

SASB, ISO, IIRC, IASB, GRI, CDP, CDSB, TCFD, SDG Compass… Here are 10 questions for companies to report on sustainability in a credible and meaningful way