Author Archives: Farid Baddache

Corporate Duty of Care standards are evolving globally. Ksapa guides compliance with EU Green Deal and regional regulations

EU Green Deal: Corporate Duty of Care Shifts

Corporate Duty of Care standards are evolving globally. Ksapa guides compliance with EU Green Deal and regional regulations

Introductory guide to double materiality: key concepts, practical implications, and implementation strategies for businesses

Understanding the Concept of Double Materiality

Introductory guide to double materiality: key concepts, practical implications, and implementation strategies for businesses

Gaging the credibility of Net Zero Strategies

Gaging the credibility of Net Zero Strategies

In May 2021, the International Energy Agency (IEA) issued the Net Zero By 2050 report, detailing various measures to implement towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. This report comes just 2 years after the IPCC demonstrated the abysmal gap in impacts between a 1.5°C and 2°C global warming trajectory.

Can Net Zero Approaches Frame Climate-Constrained Economies?

Can Net Zero Approaches Frame Climate-Constrained Economies?

Concerns as to the efficacy of Net Zero targets are fully justified. Ksapa offers analysis and tips to get your neutrality strategy right.

Discover three essential principles guiding private sector biodiversity investments and nature-related financial disclosures for growth

TNFD – Nature-Related Financial Disclosures: Time to Invest

Discover three essential principles guiding private sector biodiversity investments and nature-related financial disclosures for growth

Given the uncertainties generated by Covid-19, Ksapa considers socio-environmental excellence as a prime solution to come out on top.

Finding Solace in Socio-Environmental Excellence

In the face of uncertainty, socio-environmental excellence is emerging as a solution of choice. In this blog, we examine conditions for companies and their investors to step up to the plate.