Author Archives: Farid Baddache

Agenda 2030 – Here Are Concrete Solutions and Useful Ingredients, For Positive Attitude

We decided to kick off 2020 with a friendly annual event. Here are key takeaways shared across interveners to maintain a positive attitude.

3 Reasons Why We’ve Decided to Kick Off 2020 Being Optimistic About Sustainability

Easy to kick off 2020 with gloomy mood looking how we closed 2019 on the front of sustainability. Well, instead, we’ve decided to kick off 2020 being optimistic, and here are 3 reasons why

8 Experts On The Top Corporate Sustainability Issue Right Now

8 influential sustainability strategists sharing insight what should be the number one most important directive for any organization around sustainability

Elimination of Child Labor: 5 Concrete Approaches for Companies

Customs, investors, lawyers are increasing pressure on companies’ supply chains to eliminate child labor. 5 concrete suggestions from our experience.

How to Align a Sustainability Strategy With the 2020+ Delivery Decade Ahead?

2020 is the delivery decade. Based on our experience, we’re sharing 6 tips to define and deploy pertinent sustainability strategy aligned with the big expectations from business ahead of us

Human Rights, a Source of Legal Instability for Business? Not Really. What’s at Stake is More Profound

Multinational companies are increasingly given formal notice by civil society on the basis of human right due diligence laws. A new source of insecurity for companies as some say? What’s at stake is more profound for business and investors

Legally Binding Instrument to Regulate Business & Human Rights on its Way. 6 Areas to Monitor

Legally binding instrument to regulate multinational companies in International Human Rights Law is making progress. Here are 6 areas to closely monitor.

Role of Board of Directors to Accelerate Business Climate Adaptation

The 9th EcoAct benchmark assessing decarbonization of FTSE 100 companies is scathing: 85% of these large companies do not have a strategy to meet their climate challenges. Here is an 8-point plan to involve Board of directors in these issues, and to accelerate the taking into account of climate issues by companies.

Human Rights Due Diligence Across Investment Decisions – A 5 Step Approach

How to factor human right due diligence across investment decisions. Here’s a step by step approach developed across projects to help and provide some initial guidance.