Category Archives: Sustainability

Mission Report 2021

On the occasion of the publication of our latest mission report, we look back at our journey from Ksapa’s adoption of the quality of ‘mission company’ to the publication of this report.

Fossil fuels and ESG: the paradox of double standards

Stuart Kirk, global head of responsible investment at HSBC, was fired for downplaying the market impact of climate change. But his intervention describes what is going on around fossil fuels

Silent No More: Embedding Data Protection In Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

Ksapa reviews the implications of the EU Digital Services Act for Human Rights Due Diligence and outlines a way forward for organizations to embed data protection in Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence.

Discoveries continue to help offset negative impacts of climate change: A closer look at Greenland’s Glacial Rock Flour

Climate change, food security and biodiversity are some of our times largest and most pressing issues, and the three elements are very closely related. So, a solution in one of these areas can affect the two others. We take a closer look at Greenland’s Glacial Rock Flour which could offer a solution to regenerative agriculture.

3 Critical Aspects of the Ongoing ISSB and EFRAG Public Consultations

Ksapa explores the new EFRAG’s and ISSB ESG Reporting Guidelines under consultation, and shares 3 critical aspects required to be under close scrutiny for successful adoption by stakeholders and meaningful implementation by business.

Why the new UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration is a Chance for Businesses to Take Sustainability Action

This article, written by Tina Teucher, member of Ksapa’s community of experts, explores the background and the strategy of the new UN Decade and what it means for the business world as an important trend and opportunity.