Category Archives: Sustainable Finance & ESG

Sustainable investment, ESG strategy

Understanding the 12 European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) that define mandatory ESG reporting under the EU's CSRD framework

ESRS: 12 Standards Driving CSRD Sustainability Reporting

Understanding the 12 European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) that define mandatory ESG reporting under the EU’s CSRD framework

Ksapa partners with PE firms and business association to develop practical tools for integrating human rights into investment decisions

Advancing Human Rights Due Diligence in Private Equity

Ksapa partners with PE firms and business association to develop practical tools for integrating human rights into investment decisions

Discover CSRD key changes with ESRS sustainability reporting standards and how they compare to ISSB ESG frameworks for corporate disclosure

CSRD and EU ESRS Standards. What You Need to Know

In application of the CSRD directive, the European Commission adopted its ESRS standards in late July 2023. Overview and comparison with ISSB.

LCA + Human Rights: Building Sustainable Supply Chains

Discover how integrating Life Cycle Assessment with human rights due diligence creates more sustainable and ethical biomass supply chains

Analysis of the OECD's latest Guidelines for MNEs, highlighting major revisions and implications for responsible business conduct

OECD MNE Guidelines: Key Changes in 2023 Update

Analysis of the OECD’s latest Guidelines for MNEs, highlighting major revisions and implications for responsible business conduct

Corporate buyers can drive sustainability in agriculture by implementing responsible purchasing practices that protect ecosystems and people.

Agricultural Supply Chains: Environmental & Human Rights Issues

Corporate buyers can drive sustainability in agriculture by implementing responsible purchasing practices that protect ecosystems and people.