Category Archives: Sustainable Finance & ESG

Sustainable investment, ESG strategy

Innovative Investments Empower Women

In this article, Ksapa and Investisseurs and Partenaires discuss the implications of gender empowerment for the private sector, and how businesses and investors can embed a solid gender perspective as part of their impact strategies to better address the challenges of the gender empowerment.

Embedding Human Rights in SFRD Articles 8 and 9 PASI Disclosures

The European Commission developed the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFRD) to resolutely gear investments towards sustainable investing. Here’s insight from Ksapa to embed human rights and manage related primary adverse risks.

3 Learnings From the Ukraine Crisis, Making Structural Changes Happen

The war in Ukraine is putting pressure on the fragile gains of international law as well as the timid climatic efforts undertaken in recent years. The war in Ukraine is dramatic, yet predictable. Ksapa therefore encourages its community of companies and investors to ponder the following 3 learnings.

Leveraging digital solutions & carbon finance to engage smallholders in regenerative agriculture

In this article, Ksapa explains the need to move towards regenerative agriculture given the boost in carbon markets, and how digital solutions can help make carbon finance more inclusive by engaging smallholder farmers

Ksapa’s 2022 Sustainability Wishlish

Ksapa’s 2022 Sustainability Trend List

In our last newsletter, we offered our 2-minute recap on 2021 sustainability developments. Now, as we celebrate the new year, we return with a 6-part trend list to accelerate sustainability across investor and corporate communities. 

ESG Reporting - Navigating between the ISSB and CSRD

ESG Reporting – Navigating between the ISSB and CSRD

IFRS officially launched the ISSB. In competition with the CSRD. ESG standardization is organized according to different philosophies.

The EU Green Deal Set to Mainstream Corporate Duty of Care

The EU Green Deal Set to Mainstream Corporate Duty of Care

In Europe as elsewhere, corporate Duty of Care approaches are on the table and stand at varying degrees of implementation. Ksapa explains.