Tag Archives: Transparency

Elimination of Child Labor: 5 Concrete Approaches for Companies

Customs, investors, lawyers are increasing pressure on companies’ supply chains to eliminate child labor. 5 concrete suggestions from our experience.

Human Rights, a Source of Legal Instability for Business? Not Really. What’s at Stake is More Profound

Multinational companies are increasingly given formal notice by civil society on the basis of human right due diligence laws. A new source of insecurity for companies as some say? What’s at stake is more profound for business and investors

Legally Binding Instrument to Regulate Business & Human Rights on its Way. 6 Areas to Monitor

Legally binding instrument to regulate multinational companies in International Human Rights Law is making progress. Here are 6 areas to closely monitor.

Human Rights Due Diligence Across Investment Decisions – A 5 Step Approach

How to factor human right due diligence across investment decisions. Here’s a step by step approach developed across projects to help and provide some initial guidance.

What To Learn From France’s and UK’s Human Rights Due Diligence Laws?

Human rights due diligence laws are gaining traction all over Europe. What To Learn From France and UK’s Human Rights Due Diligence Laws?

Applying the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to the ICT Industry: Version 2.0

5 Lessons for Tech Companies to Respect Human Rights

5 lessons for tech companies to apply and respect human rights in the age of digital transformation and growing scrutiny from governments and users

Back to the Basics: How to Make Stakeholder Engagement Meaningful for Your Organization

Stakeholder engagement can be more complicated in practice. Here are practical recommendations to strategize and succeed.

Why GDPR does not Solve the Issues of Cybersecurity and Electronic Surveillance

Despite GDPR, the ongoing digital revolution still offers many new avenues on which the liability issues of companies will increase

10 Questions to Report on Sustainability in a Credible and Meaningful Way

SASB, ISO, IIRC, IASB, GRI, CDP, CDSB, TCFD, SDG Compass… Here are 10 questions for companies to report on sustainability in a credible and meaningful way

Two Ways Responsible Investors Can Promote Inclusive Growth

Two Ways Responsible Investors Can Promote Inclusive Growth

A 2015 survey of millennials around the world found that growing economic and social inequalities were their top concern. And it isn’t only millennials: The JUST Capital Roadmap for Corporate America has found for three years in a row that the number one public concern of corporate behavior of persons of all ages, income levels, and political parties is worker […]