Author Archives: Eléa Pons

Ksapa’s 2022 Sustainability Wishlish

Ksapa’s 2022 Sustainability Trend List

In our last newsletter, we offered our 2-minute recap on 2021 sustainability developments. Now, as we celebrate the new year, we return with a 6-part trend list to accelerate sustainability across investor and corporate communities. 

ESG Reporting - Navigating between the ISSB and CSRD

ESG Reporting – Navigating between the ISSB and CSRD

IFRS officially launched the ISSB. In competition with the CSRD. ESG standardization is organized according to different philosophies.

Designing solutions for more resilient agricultural supply chains

Designing Solutions for Resilient Raw Materials Supply

Ksapa recently organized a webinar “Solutions For Resilient Raw Materials”. Key findings from this webinar are accessible in this blog.

Synchrony: a Ksapa x June Marketing tool to support the transition of companies

Ksapa delves into aligning private sector SDG commitments with robust impact metrics aligned with international standards.