Understand how ESG criterias can influence refinancing conditions, outcomes of credit risk assessments or asset valuations processes.
Author Archives: Farid Baddache
Discover how the NY Declaration on Animal Consciousness is transforming our understanding and approach to animal welfare globally.
Carrying out effective, serious ESG due diligence, providing strategic and operational insight into an investment.
Understand how to comply with the EU Digital Services Act (DSA) shaping comprehensive rules for online platforms.
Understand why it’s preferable to develop the company’s strategy before focusing in ensuring the CSRD sustainability compliance. Here’s why.
On behalf of Ksapa, I was able to contribute to a series of exchanges organized by EU MPEs seeking feedback on the practical application of existing duty of care regulations. A few points shared during the discussions.
CSRD governance requires boards to oversee resource deployment and ensure proper management of material sustainability issues
The administrative burden is an argument often put forward by companies and MEPs as a reason not to promote CS3D. Is this true?
Key 2024 trends driving fair decarbonization for EU-based and EU-trading asset companies amid new climate regulations
Ksapa explores agricultural challenges and insights from COP 28 events, highlighting solutions for a sustainable and equitable farming future