Author Archives: Farid Baddache

Understanding the 12 European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) that define mandatory ESG reporting under the EU's CSRD framework

ESRS: 12 Standards Driving CSRD Sustainability Reporting

Understanding the 12 European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) that define mandatory ESG reporting under the EU’s CSRD framework

Learn how corporations can avoid complicity in human rights violations and manage forced labor risks with effective accountability measures

5 Strategies for Corporations Avoiding Risks of Complicity in Human Rights

Corporations often operate in environment with limited leverage to upload respect of human rights. This article presents the situations where actors can be held accountable for complicity and offers strategies to avoiding infringing human rights.

Maximizing carbon sequestration through agricultural practices is crucial for meeting climate goals and protecting natural ecosystems

ClimateWeek NYC 2023: Essential Business Insights

Climate Week NYC and UN Climate Action Summit brought leaders together to accelerate progress toward sustainability and climate action

Maximizing carbon sequestration through agricultural practices is crucial for meeting climate goals and protecting natural ecosystems

Carbon Capture: Agriculture’s Role in Climate Action

Maximizing carbon sequestration through agricultural practices is crucial for meeting climate goals and protecting natural ecosystems

Analysis of the OECD's latest Guidelines for MNEs, highlighting major revisions and implications for responsible business conduct

OECD MNE Guidelines: Key Changes in 2023 Update

Analysis of the OECD’s latest Guidelines for MNEs, highlighting major revisions and implications for responsible business conduct

Analyzing gender roles across agricultural supply chains to promote equality and optimize sector performance through inclusion

Gender Perspectives in Agricultural Commodity Supply Chains

Analyzing gender roles across agricultural supply chains to promote equality and optimize sector performance through inclusion