Author Archives: Farid Baddache

A review of the latest IPCC report of 2023

A review of the latest IPCC report of 2023

IPCC’s landmark synthesis report reveals critical climate findings and solutions, setting agenda until next assessment in 2030.

Learn how investment funds apply Principal Adverse Impacts and DNSH principles to enhance sustainable finance practices

Implementing DNSH ‘Do No Significant Harm’ in Investing

Ksapa is leading a working group of 12 international investment funds and investment companies to strengthen their consideration of human rights issues. Learn how investment funds apply Principal Adverse Impacts and DNSH principles to enhance sustainable finance practices.

Ksapa introduces to decisive steps to eliminate forced labor risks across your operations and supply chains with a collaborative initiative

5 Steps Ensuring Green Transition Free From Forced Labor

Forced labor has been documented in a wide range of green technologies, including solar, wind and lithium-ion battery production. Ksapa is coordinating with investors, buyers and stakeholders using a 5 step approach to design open source guidelines enabling business community to engage meaningfully their business partners and mitigate risks associated to their operations.

From CS3D or CSRD to carbon tax: explore key EU regulations affecting global businesses trading with Europe

EU Regulatory Guide: Key Business Compliance

From CS3D or CSRD to carbon tax: explore key EU regulations affecting global businesses trading with Europe

Explore how human rights shape business strategy, as leaders face growing pressure for transparency and accountability

Business & Human Rights: Strategic Priorities

Explore how human rights shape business strategy, as leaders face growing pressure for transparency and accountability

Let's embrace 2023 with renewed hope, as 2022's positive surprises remind us to cherish life's small victories.

3 Suggestions to Start 2023 With Optimism Working With Ksapa

Let’s embrace 2023 with renewed hope, as 2022’s positive surprises remind us to cherish life’s small victories.

Board directors must address climate change and human rights challenges to ensure sustainable business success and market stability

Board Duties & ESG: Managing Climate & Human Rights Risks

Increasingly, boards of directors are called upon to navigate the challenges presented by climate change, racial injustice, economic inequality, and numerous other human right issues that are fundamental to the success and sustainability of companies, financial markets, and economies.

Learn about EFRAG's 12 sustainability reporting standards and how they align with ISSB requirements for ESG compliance

EFRAG’s 12 ESG Standards: A Complete Overview

Learn about EFRAG’s 12 sustainability reporting standards and how they align with ISSB requirements for ESG compliance

COP 27 outcomes show growing frustration with global warming response, highlighting format flaws and key takeaways for business stakeholders.

COP 27: 3 Lessons for businesses and investors

The Sharm el-Sheikh climate conference produced what we anticipated in our pre-event newsletter: a combination of frustration with the climate emergency, and a sense of an event that has become obsolete in its current format. The conclusions confirm three lessons for companies and investors.