Author Archives: Margaux Dillon

Silent No More: Embedding Data Protection In Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

Ksapa reviews the implications of the EU Digital Services Act for Human Rights Due Diligence and outlines a way forward for organizations to embed data protection in Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence.

Innovative Investments Empower Women

In this article, Ksapa and Investisseurs and Partenaires discuss the implications of gender empowerment for the private sector, and how businesses and investors can embed a solid gender perspective as part of their impact strategies to better address the challenges of the gender empowerment.

Embedding Human Rights in SFRD Articles 8 and 9 PASI Disclosures

The European Commission developed the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFRD) to resolutely gear investments towards sustainable investing. Here’s insight from Ksapa to embed human rights and manage related primary adverse risks.

Ksapa x CoBS: Shared Views on Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Efforts

In this piece, Ksapa joins researchers Mary-Lee Rhodes and Linda Benrais from the Council on Business and Society to share perspectives on ongoing Human Rights due diligence efforts.

The EU Green Deal Set to Mainstream Corporate Duty of Care

The EU Green Deal Set to Mainstream Corporate Duty of Care

In Europe as elsewhere, corporate Duty of Care approaches are on the table and stand at varying degrees of implementation. Ksapa explains.

Legally-Binding Instruments Lends Teeth to Human Rights Due Diligence

Legally-Binding Instruments Lend Teeth to Human Rights Due Diligence

More than 50 countries now have a national action plan in place to support human rights due diligence. Ksapa looks back with experts on how to manage the various human rights requirements.

Shoring up corporate risk assessment under the duty of vigilance law

Strengthening the Schneider Electric Risk Assessment Under The Duty Of Vigilance

Ksapa collaborated with Schneider Electric to boost the Group’s risk assessment under the Duty of Vigilance

Grievance Mechanisms Spur Responsible Business

Grievance Mechanisms Spur Responsible Business

For the present article, Ksapa reached out to cross-supply chain social risk monitoring and management software experts at Ulula to outline 5 success factors for grievance mechanisms to effectively structure and secure responsible business policies.

Technology to Scale Corporate Impact on Child Labor

In late 2019, before Covid19, ILO committed to see 2021 the Year to End Child Labor. Ksapa outlines how technology can power corporate impact against child labor with rapidity, scale and impact.