Tag Archives: Just Transition

Can Net Zero Approaches Frame Climate-Constrained Economies?

Can Net Zero Approaches Frame Climate-Constrained Economies?

Concerns as to the efficacy of Net Zero targets are fully justified. Ksapa offers analysis and tips to get your neutrality strategy right.

Discover three essential principles guiding private sector biodiversity investments and nature-related financial disclosures for growth

TNFD – Nature-Related Financial Disclosures: Time to Invest

Discover three essential principles guiding private sector biodiversity investments and nature-related financial disclosures for growth

Boards play a vital role in driving corporate climate action. A 4-step framework for just corporate transitions

Boards’ Critical Role in Just Corporate Transitions

Boards play a vital role in driving corporate climate action. A 4-step framework for just corporate transitions

2020's lessons demand faster transformation toward sustainable business and finance practices in the year ahead

Accelerating Sustainable Business & Finance 2021

2020’s lessons demand faster transformation toward sustainable business and finance practices in the year ahead

Reflecting on 2020's challenges, we share key insights gathered from customer and partner discussions about this historic year

Three Critical Lessons from an Unprecedented 2020

Reflecting on 2020’s challenges, we share key insights gathered from customer and partner discussions about this historic year

In talks with Ksapa, Mazars, H&M & COP Climate Champion discuss concrete solutions for supply chain finance for energy transition

Financing Cross-Value Chain Energy Transitions

In talks with Ksapa, Mazars, H&M & COP Climate Champion discuss concrete solutions for supply chain finance for energy transition

New materiality assessment tools help organizations track evolving stakeholder priorities in the post-pandemic era

Post-Pandemic Materiality: Adapting to New Priorities

New materiality assessment tools help organizations track evolving stakeholder priorities in the post-pandemic era

Companies must expand stakeholder engagement amid ESG pressures. Expert insights on 5 key action areas from Novo Nordisk & Bonsucro

Stakeholder Engagement: Navigating ESG Challenges Today

Companies must expand stakeholder engagement amid ESG pressures. Expert insights on 5 key action areas from Novo Nordisk & Bonsucro

PRI's new guidance puts investors at the heart of Human Rights due diligence. Here's Ksapa's roadmap for systematic implementation

Investors Lead the Charge on Human Rights Due Diligence

PRI’s new guidance puts investors at the heart of Human Rights due diligence. Here’s Ksapa’s roadmap for systematic implementation