Exploring the politics behind smallholder food sovereignty and actionable solutions to restore farmers’ autonomy in food systems
Tag Archives: Human Rights
Effective Human Rights due diligence implies businesses operate in a more efficient and therefore targeted manner. Such an optimization process necessarily relies on transparent and ongoing stakeholder dialog.
It’s time for investors to scale ESG funds portfolio-wide. Ksapa delves into navigating the corresponding market and regulatory incentives.
How technology empowers companies to detect and prevent child labor, supporting ILO’s mission for rapid, scalable solutions
Learn how to prioritize ESG issues in supply chains and adapt sourcing strategies for improved sustainability outcomes
In the face of growing cross-supply socio-environmental risks, Ksapa outlines a 3-part plan for businesses to better manage and mitigate them.
How businesses can effectively integrate human rights principles while navigating post-pandemic recovery challenges
Ksapa in discussion with IHRB: 150+ Fortune-500 leaders explore strategies to strengthen human rights in supply chains
How to mainstream sustainable consumption behavior? Key Learnings from the Sustainable Share Index outlined in this article.
Ksapa shares feedback and insights to follow up on our recent webinar with Céline Soubranne Weber (Axa) and Jakob Puchinger (IRT System X, CentraleSupélec). We examine challenges and solutions for stakeholder engagement strategies and outline key trends for the coming years.